13 Febbraio 2025

PeaceMed. Enhancing Peace as a Common Good

In a world torn apart by wars and conflicts, we often feel powerless. What can we do? Caritas Italiana has decided to invest in peace and reconciliation. It does this in various ways. One of these is PeaceMed, a project by Caritas Italiana, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which aims precisely at promoting peace as a common good and as a tool for integration and inclusion between the shores of the Mediterranean, by strengthening civil society organisations.

The project focuses on strengthening the professional skills of the operators of the national Caritas organisations involved and another Civil Society Organisation (i.e. two operators for each country), with a specific focus on youth mobilisation, local community development and transnational cooperation.

Among the objectives of the project is also the creation of a regional network and a permanent working table, to coordinate common initiatives on peace, strengthening the impact of local Civil Society Organisations and promoting shared strategies for peace and sustainable development.

The training course, realised in cooperation with Rondine – Cittadella della pace, involves around 30 participants from 18 different countries: 12 countries from the Mediterranean basin (Italy, Spain, Greece, Malta, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Holy Land, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Cyprus) and 6 others from the region (Iraq, Jordan, Iran, Mauritania, Djibouti, Somalia).


👉🏻 For any information, please write to the Middle East North Africa service of Caritas Italiana: mona@caritas.it.

Aggiornato il 15 Febbraio 2025